Thursday 14 February 2008

Interesting Pic

I came across this picture after previously dismissing it. On a second look though I liked the colours and it has an intensity from somewhere. To break the mystery of it (?!), it's a shot I took at sunrise at the start of February from my bedroom window. My flash went off unintentionally which explains the glare at top right (and probably means it won't win too many competitions).
It is the new harbour development, as shown from further away in the shots from previous post just above the helicopter.
On a totally different note, it was good to see the new Australian Prime Minister apologising to the 'lost generation' where aboriginal children (but of mixed race) were forcibly separated from their families and comunities since the very first days of the European occupation. Something similar happened in Canada too. It annoys me how self-righteous we are in the west when it comes to human rights, especially when it comes to countries that have oil wells in them. We should campaign vigourously for countries from China to Afghanastan and elsewhere to improve the rights of the indivudual but we need to have a more humble attitude too, and consider the gross abuses that continued to take place in our own countries. Its interesting that US has about 2000 people that will never be released from prison for crimes committed when they were under 18. Briatin has in total about 35 people in total who are in for their entire lives. Its only in the last decade that people with learning difficulties have been allowed to live in normal society in Scotland rather than being locked away out of sight.

Sunday 10 February 2008

Glasgow Waterfront

I had a leisurely bike ride home by the Clyde on Saturday. Warm and sunny for a mid-February day.

A barge crane was beside the new but broken 'squinty' bridge. There was a high proportion of foreign languages being spoken by tourists out for a stroll from the hotel and SECC.

Here are two shots looking west down the Clyde taken 6 years apart. I had hoped that the loss of the old Granary building and the new development in its place would be more obvious - if you look at the cranes in the distance and what is opposite you can get a little of the effect - my bedroom window view is taken up entirely by that space.

Friday 8 February 2008

Botanic Gardens

No new posts for a while as I've been a bit under the weather, which as it happens isn't too far from being appropriate with the wind and rain and snow that's been the story of most of January.

I had a job last week in a great flat but looking out the window was this view.

I thought I would put up a picture of some of my work from the same house.

I started with a small recess and a door. Now there is space to store ladders, a vacum cleaner and a bit of shelving. I expect that it will be there for many years to come. It would be interesting to come back in 50 years time and see!

Quite a satisfying job.