Sunday 19 January 2014

Daily Life

January in Scotland this year is a bit on the grim side. No big high pressure to bring the temperatures down below freezing and more importantly keep clouds at bay. The weather is important because it can cause heartbreak with life or it can leave it as tolerable. It does tease, like a person with all the sex appeal can raise ones hopes, however unlikely or realistic, but with enough substance to avoid dismissal should a serious wave of thought ever reside in control for a period of time for a new Bill to become an Act. Though even then such legislation would be talked away and would usually stand no chance of becoming a firm policy. So maybe we like the weather tease, after all there is still bound to be a beautiful sunny day some day, or a deep sunny chill, or a wild windy day - whichever would be a perfect day.
My hands are becoming a big wrinkly at the thumb side. I don't really like it but there is a part of me that does, its a fine line (ha ha) but there is a certain beauty to what lies behind the wrinkle, namely age. and hopefully maturity. Its impossible to do a good time lapse sequence with ones own memories of the age changes. Personally I think it can add to a woman s looks and I think that anyone with a true sense of genuine beauty would agree. Maybe it just goes in hand(ha) with me getting old(er) myself.
I have separated the speakers in my hi-fi system by an extra few inches. I am getting better at educating myself at how to listen to mucic. Like a magic eye drawing one has to look into the sound and merge the two sources of sound together. Did you know that forked tongued lizards can smell in 3d and assess the direction a prey went in. The wider speaker arrangement I imagine in my head as like one big massive speaker the size of the end of my room and with the extra space it sounds more stable, though for Massive Attack Heligioland, what I think is the best sounding vinyl I have, it remains to be seen if the effect holds up for lesser reproductions.
I found myself dreaming of owning a flat in the west end of Glasgow outright today. A flat that is dilapidated is going to a closing date this Thursday. I dream of not having a mortgage on a flat which would give me an income into my retirement. Doubtless I will be outbid again as I am limited on my cash offer but I will try and attempt again, I have nothing to lose on making an offer. There is something wonderfully rebellious and liberating about that. Pipe dream no doubt but maybe it is a very small flat and my finances in cash terms can more than coincide with its valuation. 

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