Thursday 13 November 2008

Man v Fly

I love to have a nice fresh bed to sleep in, so I always leave my windows wide open to let in plenty of fresh air - one of the fringe benefits of living on the third floor. It would be an invitation to burglers at any other lower height. It does mean that the odd fly can get in though (it can't be quite as fresh as I think).

To get rid of them isn't a problem, usually they are drawn to the window so I open it wide but they still get trapped in the corner so I have to open it untill its almsot done a 360 turn. I don't really like killing any life because even a wee fly is a miracle of life but having said that I do enjoy it when its a frotsy night and I know their metabolism is about to freeze up.

I do consider myself an excellant fly swatter too. The trick is to slowly come up on them and then a flick of the wrist is enought to despatch them or at least stun them. A stun is usually preferable to a squash of course! I don't want to get too gory as I am drinking a cup of tea.
Last night though I met my greatest adversory of the fly variety.

It was a big whopper that seemed to be particularly disgusting and annoying. I think he was in my kitchen when I had come in from work. I hope they don't like butter as the lid was off. I chased him a bit firstly in my living room with a newspaper to no avail. At bedtime he was really starting to annoy me and I particularly didn't want him in my room as I read, let alone sleep. But he seemed to be able to buzz around and then disappear as my eye lost him. I was starting to get really annoyed, but I had a certain admiration of him (or her). The only glee I could muster was the probable fact that he'd be dead long before me! But even that I couldn't be certain of. His sanity was going to last longer than mine at that present rate. So I was back in bed giving up a little when I couldn't find him then out again even more determined, yet still he was able to land without me seeing him which is usually a flies fatal mistake. But this one made the kamakaze error of crossing in front of me and wallop, I got him mid-air with a rolled up copy of the Christian Aid News still in its clear wrapper. I found him on the ground unable to get airborne, so I opened up the wrapper of said publicaiton and wrapped him gently in it - and the rest is history.

I feel a little sad today at his passing - he was a worthy adversory and will be sadly missed.

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