Monday, 2 June 2008

There's even a dedicated book series

Get your wits about you and get ready for another chinwag from/with me.
I'd like to say after my last post I am writing while listening to the Pink Floyd album 'Animals' which has got the production style that I do like, much more stripped back to the songs unlike 'Dark Side of the Moon'.
I'd like to discuss the issue of reading on the loo. My inspiration comes from a customers' house I was in recently who has turned his throne into a mini-library. (I will try to get a photo to illustrate my point this week). He seemed to have quite an interest in history.
His habits are at one end of the extreme. I think my friend JW lies at the other as I clearly recall his disgust at the habit. He is quite a particlar person, for instance I wouldn't object to re-using my tea cup for a second time or thrice but this wasn't in his lexacon of good habits. Neither too was squashing the rubbish down to let some more in the top! The fact that I have noticed that probably says more about me than him I will quite happily admit.
Another friend thought it would be cool to wallpaper his loo with pages from a book, I forget which one. I think he got rid of it when doing up his bathroom but I'm not 100% certain as he had varnished over them and it was a problem wall with condensation, it might still be there.
In some ways it is like listening to music while driving. What I mean is that there are natural moments in a day where we are alone and can catch up on our thoughts and feelings on some things, like while driving alone or on the loo. So if we fill these moments with distractions perhaps we need to try to 'be still' a little more. I do think my life would be improved with a little bit more time to be quiet and listen to myself. But perhaps reading is one of those things that is good for the soul and more enjoyable done in quiet.
Having said that I also think that it can be a fantastic chance to get some relatively good reading done before ones attention span has faded (making certain assumptions here).
My own practices recently have been to have a couple of easy reading books - which I like to keep off the floor on the edge of the radiator for hygeine reasons.
This is a massive topic but isn't for polite conversation.
I wonder if we'll ever get an e-book built into a loo, that would be my kind of gadget.

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