In my job I often find old newspapers from yester-decades which can be quite a distraction. I took this from a paper from 1976 , possibly the Herald or Evening Times - a bit of google-sleuthing and the whole tour got cancelled for some reason - what a great line up - look at the ticket prices too - 4 prices - I wonder why. The Pistols are playing Loch Lomond next year (tickets are £110 and £45) - surely if any band should never even consider reforming you would think of the Sex Pistols - the ultimate anti-esablishment troupadors. Though recently they spurned the Rock and Roll hall of fame with great eloquence:
Next to the SEX PISTOLS rock and roll and that hall of fame is a piss stain. Your museum. Urine in wine. Were not your monkey and so what? Fame at $25,000 if we paid for a table or $15,000 to squeak up in the gallery, goes to a non-profit organization selling us a load of old famous. Congradulations. If you voted for us, I hope you noted your reasons. Your anonymous as judges, but your still music industry people. Were not coming. Your not paying attention. Outside the shit-stem is a real SEX PISTOL.
A year later they were re-recording for an album for the same they are the ultimate sell-out band.
A quiet day today - got my new all-in-one printer up and running. It scans, prints from memory stick, prints onto cds, can do wee previews on its colour screen - if the front is closed for printing it drops down to let the paper through - totally amazing. Reminds me of me showing my mobile phone to my Granny recently. "I can call anyone anywhere in the world from anywhere - and its a camera - and a radio too" I said to her - she just looked mystified and said "Put that away".
I was a year older yesterday. The football was a bit of a shambles for Aberdeen, I think players were carrying a few too many mincemeat pies. My friend took his son, Andrew (aged ten next week) to see them play, despite the poor showing he seems to be interested in Aberdeen (football club) - he likes Rangers at the minute so it would be a double bonus if I could win him over - I might buy him an Aberdeen top for his Birthday to try to nudge him in the right direction.
So a new year to look forward to. More of the same I think will do nicely for me. Most aspects of my life I would say tentatively are doing better than a year ago. Plenty to work on though.
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