Its been a few weeks since I last wrote. Work has picked up and is keeping me busy. There is a little less going around so I'm happy to be busy, I wish I could be in two places at once though, I'm sure some of my customers think I'm sitting around waiting for them to call me.
I scanned in a photograph of my first trip to the Cuillins in Skye. They comprise the longest contunous ridge of rock in Scotland and are quite a challenge to climb some of them including the famous Inaccesable Pinacle for which some rock climbing is handy and at least some absailing experience.
A bit of drama last week when the trailer for my boat started to sound a bit funny while driving it; one of the wheels had nearly fallen off. It was Bank Holiday weekend so everywhere was closed. We somehow managed to get the trailer onto the roof of my van and left the boat in a field behind a hedge. So 3 days later it was still there in one piece, and only had some cowlicks on it for its little holiday - that was licks not pats. We needed a new trailer though but the old one wasn't entirely in conformity to the toe-ball on the toe-bar. I'm quite pleased as I always felt uneasy with it especially as I'd still love to take it up to Torridon for a week of hill-walking and more restful sailing.
I'll try and be a bit more regular with my 'column' in the future.
Peace Out dudes!